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Vasili + Federiko (2015-2016)

Inspired by Vasily Shukshin’s short stories
Director: Slava Stepnov
Play was performed in Russian

About the play

The play presents iconic names in an unexpected combination. Shukshin's name is outright confusing for American audience but, when in union with the name of Fellini, it is utterly baffling.
Slava Stepnov's play, inspired by the aesthetics of Federico Fellini and the works of Vasily Shukshin, seeks to "put everything in its place"... The director, using eclecticism as a technique, tries to comprehend the complex nature of the connections between "Shukshin's simplicity" and "Fellini's ambiguity"...

Author's quote

In my production there are motifs of some of Shukshin's stories: "Чередниченко и цирк", "Материнское сердце", "Солнце, старик и девушка", "Вянет, пропадает", "Одни", but it would be wrong to call it a staging of these stories, since the plot is built around the Fellini's "Italian troupe" playing out Shukshin's plots.
The whole rehearsal process was quite long. We reminisced a lot about our youth, about living in Russia, we watched Shuksin's and Fellinin's films, studied Italian...
In the play there is a place for improvised, life-like dialogue. Music, costumes, visuals - all are aestetic echoes, direct references to the style of Fellini's films
Slava Stepnov for "Театрал"